Monday, February 17, 2014

Upgrading Ryan's PC

Ryan is turning 15 and wanted to upgrade his PC from an old Intel Core Duo. To do so he needed a new motherboard, some faster (And just more) ram, and of course the new processor. All in all it was a pretty easy upgrade. (Brought his System rating from a 5.9 to a 7.7)

The most difficult aspect was Windows wanting to re-activate via an automated phone call. After windows was reactivated though all was well. He has the same case as I do which is always a pleasure to work with. Ample room for anything I have ever tried to put into it. (Although I am eyeing the NZXT H440 Steel Case for my next build.)

New Egg links for upgraded components:

Here are some pictures from the upgrade.
Tom's doesn't rate this ancient BFG all that bad. I only have a 560 which barely seems like an upgrade according to this chart. (,3107-7.html)

Still running like a tank

This is before we took everything out and cleaned it. Will be putting the Mobo, Processor and Ram harvested from this into a another system soon.
Motherboard with Ram installed.
620W Power Supply
This was the SSD I bought sometime back just for Windows and Steam games. I didn't realize it was bigger then his old Caviar Drive.
His old WD drive.

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